Since we no longer charge fines for late items, we hope you are not worrying about returning your items while the library is closed.
If you would like to keep library materials longer than your check-out period, please feel free to do so. We have already renewed all checked out items.
If your items are already “late” we have taken care of that.
All DVD’s, books, and other items have been renewed until at least April 3rd. If the library is unable to open by that date, we will renew them for you again.
By renewing all materials, those who use Overdrive and RB Digital downloadable books, movies, and magazines, may continue to have access to these services, with no lapse in access due to late materials.
Also, you can continue to enjoy the books, movies games, and music you already have for a longer period during your time at home.
Of course, if you do choose to return your materials you may do so at the drop box on the front of the building.