Youth Services

Youth Services at the Library

Stuff For Kids and Teens and Probably Some Parents Too...

Learn By Doing

Located on the second floor of the library, kids of all ages can find books for every reading level, plus games, toys, puzzles and more.  There are cozy spaces to read, and regular programs for our youngest patrons.  

Beyond the Books

To encourage reading in children and young adults is our passion and first priority, but we have much more to do besides just quiet reading including several computers for homework, research and video games, an activity room for group events, crafts and more, block areas for younger kids and couches to watch PBS or play our in-house Nintendo Switch.

Join Us


We have several ongoing programs for our youngest patrons. Feel free to drop in any time and join us for some fun and learning.

Call For Inquiry


Mail For Inquiry

Director Anne

Programmer Jennifer


Cuddle up 0-3.

Aimed at ages 0-3 years and their caregivers.  Join us for stories, playtime, and learning to interact with others.

Tuesdays at 10am


Share books, crafts, and activities designed specifically for preschoolers.

Thursdays at 10am

Homeschool Group

Homeschool families welcome!  Kindergarten and up.  Join us for lessons, stories, activities, and crafts.  Socialize with other homeschool families.

Wednesdays 11am


Kids At The Library

Frequently Asked Questions

We get these questions a lot, so we thought we should have a good place to find the answers (for our sake too).

How old do I have to be to get a library card?

You can get a youth library card at age 6 or when you enter Kindergarten, whichever comes first. It has a few limits compared to a teen or adult card. A legal guardian has to be there when you sign up for a youth library card.

What can I check out with a youth card?

,You can check out up to 10 books, music cds, audiobooks and/or magazines. You can’t check out DVD’s or video games. A youth card is left at the library for safe keeping, so just tell the librarian your first and last name. It can also be used at the bookmobile.

What is a Teen/YA card and when do I get one?

Once you turn 14 your library card gets upgraded to a Teen Card. This not only has a dragon on it, it also allows you to check out (non-rated-R) movies and (non-rated-M) video games. You can also take a total of 20 items. Once you turn 18, you get a full fledged card with no restrictions.

What is the late fee for overdue books?

There is no late fee for overdue items. Fines are only assessed for damaged or missing items, so just make sure you take care of what you borrow and bring it back.

Cool Stuff to (Always) Do

The Library has a ton of stuff for kids and teens to do even if we don’t have programs going on.

3D Printer

Located in the Tech Room along with our gaming PC, print sculptures or functional models up to 150mm2. Learn more by visiting the the 3D Printer Page.

Nintendo Switch

Play our Nintendo Switch on the upstairs TV by yourself or with friends. Ask the folks at the Youth Desk for more info and the controllers.

Study Rooms

There are 2 study rooms: one located on each floor. You can can call ahead to reserve one or drop in to see if one is available. Best for 3 or less people.

Free Wi-Fi and Computers

The Wi-Fi is free and is available 24 hours a day. You can also submit homework or anything else directly to our printers from anywhere (including home or cell phone) by clicking here.


Dedicated Youth Staff


More Years of Fun to Go!

What Would You Like to See?

Suggest a Book, or a book series.

Suggest a movie you’d like us to carry

What kind of activities would you like us to host?

What’s the best ratio of peanut-butter to jelly for a perfect sandwich?