Archives and ancestry
Welcome to the Genealogy Department, where you can find all the information you need about the history of Owen County!
Newspaper archives back to 1888
Microfilm Scanner
Local Yearbooks back to 1913
Family Birth and Death records
A Nifty Old Bank Vault

Local Archives
Newspaper archives on microfilm, historic yearbooks from around Owen County and family birth and death records are just the start of the archives available in our genealogy section.

In our archives vault sits the special Indiana section. This area is dedicated to famous and notable Hoosiers as well as Indiana authors and artists. Here you will find books and other information about Indiana and it’s people.

Digital Resources
In addition to our physical archives, the Owen County Public Library provides access to several digital resources (listed below) that can help with family lineage research, GIS inquiries and so much more.

The Owen County Public Library gives everyone access to several proprietary databases with their library card number and PIN.
We also have quick links to several local government resources and free archive sites to take your research further
forgot your PIN?
Call the Circulation desk with your library card number for instructions on how to reset your pin.
Bring in a photo ID and we can get you a replacement card at the circulation desk.
Heritage Quest
Powered by, this free resource allows you to trace your family tree.
Indiana Genealogical Society
Tons of free databases and other great Indiana historical resources
State Library Genealogy
Genealogical resources provided by the Indiana State Library.
Map and zoning information from Owen County GIS
Veteran Service Records
Look up specific services records on the website of the US National Archives.
Ancestry Library
Take advantage of our subscription to the Ancestry Library Service.
Questions? Comments? Inquiries?