The main floor of the Owen County Public Library is where you will find our Adult section.
We offer many different kinds of material that you can take home and enjoy. Our large Fiction section offers authors for many different styles of reading. They are broken down into Regular Fiction, Mystery, Western, Inspirational and Science fiction. Our Non-Fiction section will provide you with books on many different topics. We have everything from history to how to work on your lawnmower. if you are interested in a movie we offer a large selection of Movies and TV Shows for you to take home. Maybe you don’t have time to sit with a good book, we have a large selection of Audiobooks on CD as well.
We offer several quiet spaces where you can read or even bring in your own laptop. We have a large variety of magazines and newspapers available. There are many places where you can charge your phone or laptop if needed.
The Library offers a wide variety of Adult Programs ranging from Cupcake and Canvas to a Bookclub that meets regularly. Check our calendar on this page and our newsletter to see what is coming up.
We have eight computers available to the public on the main floor. Here you can get on the internet and print items in black and white and color.
Please stop by the main desk when you first come into the library for help finding something or if you have any questions.
Contact Info
Amy Morgan
Adult Circulation Manager
(812)829-3392 # 200